Friday, March 19, 2010

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451, a novel based in the future that we do not wish to have. It shows us in such a way, that we are actually afraid of what we might become, we are afraid of what we will become. We are currently heading towards that future right now, with our video games and TV taking up almost all of our time. Our world is not getting better, it is getting worse. We are becoming a world that is a virtual wonderland, virtual, not actual. Our world is a beautiful place, but if it continues on the downfall that is on, it will not be beautiful for much longer. Fahrenheit 451 shows us what our world will become if we do not work on improving it. It may seem far in the future that this will happen, but it is closer than it may seem. We need to work on rescuing our world before it becomes lost.

In the future that Fahrenheit 451 renders, we have no interaction with each other, we only have contact with the Television Walls in which we do not even choose what to say. In this future of ours, we get sent scripts which we read without even thinking about it in the slightest. We do not even need to think enough to create our own sentence structures, or own ideas, we create nothing of our own. In the future which we will come to, we will believe that the people on the television are our family and that they are our friends. You would even ignore your spouse completely if you are talking to your "friends" on the TV. In general people have no real interaction with real thoughts in the future which Fahrenheit 451 creates.

In the future that Fahrenheit 451 imagined, people can no longer read anything that the government has not distributed themselves. If you are caught with a book, a single book, you will be taken to jail for life or burned alive while the firemen are just staring at you with a devilish smile. They have the best job in the world they imagine. They do not know that Firemen used to put out fires, instead of starting them. We are not allowed to have our own thoughts, we are not even allowed to read other peoples thoughts. We are not allowed that one basic right that we all have now, the right to freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of thought. Our country was smart enough to begin this right in the first place, but if we take it away for any reason the next step our country will take, is the step to the future which Fahrenheit 451 predicts.

The future that Fahrenheit 451 produces, it shows us at our worst, it shows us in a time where we have no interaction with each other, no thoughts, and a time when we have no lives. We have to make sure that we never become what Fahrenheit 451 shows us becoming, we can never become the world that we have been shown. We need to keep our world as beautiful as it is today, for if we do not there is a great chance it will become like the world in Fahrenheit 451, pathetic. We need to rescue our world, before we lose it.

1 comment:

  1. The message here is passionate, and you have excellent thoughts. I also think I see some good sentence patterns emerging in your text. Do make sure you are not writing run-ons. As we grow as writers, we often begin to take on some technical errors we didn't used to have. Here I think you are expanding your syntactic vocabulary, and as a result, are beginning to lose the sense of where a single sentence is joining the next. Also, underline the title of books.
